
Category Archives: Uncategorized

Visiting the London Book Fair, 11-14 March 2024

Visiting the London Book Fair, 11-14 March 2024

With just a month to go to the publication of The Rooster, I was delighted to visit Rowman & Littlefield’s stand at the London Book Fair this week. I’m pictured here with Matthew Urwin, Head of Sales at Rowman International. The cavernous Olympia exhibition hall in West London buzzed with 30,000 participants over the course… Continue reading…

The proofs have arrived!

The proofs have arrived!

What better Christmas present for an author! The proofs of The Rooster have arrived. Correcting them will keep me busy over the Christmas period, in a good way. Due back to the publisher in the first days of January 2024. Continue reading…

How The Rooster book cover was designed

How The Rooster book cover was designed

The rooster is a recurring motif in my writing of my father’s life. When the time came to design the book cover, I wanted an image of a rooster on it, but I didn’t want to use a photograph. Since I enjoy drawing and painting as well as writing, I made a collage from my… Continue reading…

Current project

Current project

I am currently writing a historical novel inspired by the life of my Croatian grandmother Hana, a volunteer nurse in the Great War. Like The Rooster, my story draws on family documents. Unlike The Rooster, this new book is fiction, which is proving a challenge for me, but one that I am enjoying. Watch this… Continue reading…